Are you interested in learning to play the banjo? Do you enjoy listening to the characteristic sound of the banjo in bluegrass, country, folk, indie, and other musical genres that use the banjo? This article will help answer questions you may have before getting started, and ultimately let you know how hard it is to learn.
How Hard is it to Learn the Banjo?
The basic fundamentals of banjo are easy to learn as long as you take your time at the beginning to develop proper technique. Like many instruments, there is a steep learning curve for beginners when you start to play, quickly followed by a large increase in skill.
After learning the basics, you may be satisfied with your goals, but taking additional steps forward can be an exciting journey! There are many resources available now to help you learn how to play, making it more attainable to reach your desired goals.
Whether you are trying to teach yourself, watching instructional videos, joining group classes, meeting with a teacher online, or taking private lessons in person, this variety of options can help you speed up the process!
How long does it take to learn banjo?
With patience and dedicated practice, you can learn the basics of banjo in a short amount of time. For instance, Eli Gilbert is a professional banjo player who offers an excellent 30 day course on YouTube outlining the basics
As mentioned above, Eli Gilbert Banjo is a YouTube channel helping you get started with learning the banjo. From the earliest stages of playing open strings slowly to playing quickly through complete song, Eli Gilbert presents a 30 day challenge for beginning banjo players, giving you one goal a day to work on at your own pace.
Another popular resource is Mark Wardle’s instructional video series also on YouTube, particularly Beginning Bluegrass Banjo- Lesson 1- For absolute beginners. This specific video from his channel has over three million views. Mark has other video resources to help you get started, and the videos progress gradually from very basic technique to more advanced music.
How long does it take to learn banjo?
In the beginning stages, many people agree that the banjo is easier to learn than guitar. The strings are thinner making them easier to press down, the instrument is smaller which limits wide stretching of your left hand fingers, and the neck does not have as many frets limiting the number of possible note options.
This is not to say that banjo is limited in any way; you can excel on banjo and learn very advanced repertoire. Listen to Bela Flec perform “Wheels Up” as an example of what is possible on banjo at an advanced level.
Surprisingly to some, banjo is also capable of playing classical music. In the following video, Bela Fleck plays his arrangement of Bach’s Partita No. 1003/Sinister Minister at Paste Studios in New York.
How to learn bluegrass banjo?
As mentioned above, you can explore the many YouTube resources available, or take advantage of a variety of other options such as taking a group class or private lesson. Classes and lessons can be online or in person depending on availability in your area.
Having the guidance of a teacher has a significant impact on your learning. A banjo teacher will be able to explain what to do next each step of the way, and having immediate feedback of direct instruction will help ensure you are doing everything correctly.
If any problems arise, you will not get as frustrated since the teacher will be there to help make adjustments. Then, when you go to practice on your own, you will have a schema in your mind already from what you already learned with the teacher.
TakeLessons.com is an excellent resource for finding a private teacher on a wide variety of instruments, including the banjo. TakeLessons Live is an emerging supplemental resource where you can work with a teacher virtually in a variety of classes with a small group of other students; while TakeLessons Live does not currently offer banjo, new subjects come out often, so it is worth keeping a lookout in case banjo comes to TakeLessons Live.
What different kinds of banjos are there?
The most popular kinds of banjos are five string banjos, typically played in the style of clawhammer or bluegrass. Another less common banjo is a four string “plectrum banjo” or “tenor banjo.”
Five string banjos are more popular and are normally played with three fingers; your thumb, index, and middle fingers. You normally wear finger picks on those three fingers and pluck the strings to produce the tone of the instrument. The primary technique revolves around “rolls” or different picking patterns with your right hand.
Five string banjo is tuned in “open G” meaning that when you play all of the open strings, they play a G chord. The strings are G, D, G, B, and D. Sometimes, players adjust the strings to change the tuning (i.e. dropping one of the D strings down to C), but open G is the most common.
Four string banjo is normally called “plectrum” because it is played with a pick or plectrum similar to guitar. Four string banjos can play a melody on a single string while adding a chordal accompaniment on the other strings. They were used in early jazz music (i.e. Dixieland jazz, George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, etc.) This carried over to some early musical theater as well such as Hello, Dolly and Chicago.
What is a Good Beginner Banjo?
If you want to learn banjo but have not purchased one yet, you have a wide range of options at various price points. Here are three options to help you narrow down your search.
If you want to learn banjo but have not purchased one yet, you have a wide range of options at various price points. Here are three options to help you narrow down your search.
If you are interested in purchasing a banjo, you are most likely looking for a traditional 5 string banjo. If you want a 5 string banjo with a long standing reputation and reliable quality, both Gold Tone and Deering banjos are excellent choices.
The Deering Goodtime Banjo is an excellent instrument to start on and will give you all the standard features of a traditional 5 string banjo. The Goodtime banjo weighs four pounds, has an open back, 22 frets, and is made in the United States. The instrument costs 529.00 on Amazon. Deering Banjos also posts a live stream video series to help you learn more about the banjo on their website.
The Gold Tone AC-1is another option for beginners. The Gold Tone AC-1 is another 5 string banjo with a composite rim and mahogany neck. It is lighter than the Deering Goodtime Banjo, only weighing one pound. The instrument costs 249.99 on Amazon.
For a lower cost and a complete starter kit, you can go with the Donner DBJ-200, but know that they are not as high quality or reputable as the other two brands. The kit comes with the instrument, a gig bag, strap, picks, and a tuner. The kit sells on Amazon for 199.99.
In addition to their full size banjo, Donner also sells a smaller Banjolele DBU-200. The banjolele has four strings and is tuned like a ukulele (G, C, E, and A strings); this can be a fun way to introduce young kids to the instrument if they already have experience playing the ukulele while hearing the general tone of a banjo. Just remember it is not your traditional 5 string banjo or a 4 string banjo. The kit sells on Amazon for 119.99.
Where can I get banjo music?
Having your own hard copy of music to work on helps with the learning process. Hard copies help you reduce the amount of time you spend looking at a screen, and you can take the music anywhere without worrying about the internet or getting a good signal.
One popular book for beginning banjo players is Bluegrass Banjo Complete Ignoramus Book and CD Set. The set costs 22.95 on Amazon and walks you step by step through learning a simple melody to adding traditional banjo rolls, and eventually how to add rolls to embellish a melody. Doing so allows you to play the melody to the song while also playing your own accompaniment at the same time.
Hal Leonard Banjo Method: Book 1 – For 5-String Banjo is another excellent method book to help you get started with learning to play. Hal Leonard makes a variety of instrument method books, each page going into detail with the next skill you should learn. Starting with basic technique, and eventually working through an entire second method book, Hal Leonard Banjo Method helps guide you through learning banjo.
Whether you are new to music all together, or if you play another instrument already and want to learn something new, banjo is a great next step. Banjo has brought joy to many going all the way back to the 1840s and will continue to do so going forward. Good luck on your musical journey!